Where is the start?
901 Parkhill Street Colusa, CA 95932. Check-in opens at 6:30 AM.
When can I start riding?
All routes can start as early as 7:00 AM, and the start will remain open for several hours.
How many rest stops are there?
There are rest stops approximately every 20 miles. The 37-mile route has one, the Metric Century (62-mile) route has two, and the Century (100) has four.
Do I need to pack food and water?
It is always a good idea to have some supplemental snacks and water. Each rest stop will have water and Gatorade, roasted potatoes, strawberries, and snacks, such as orange slices, cookies, bananas, trail mix, and the like. We have received many positive responses for the quantity and variety of items at the stops.
Where can I spend the night and get something to eat before the ride?
There are numerous motels within a ten-mile radius of the ride start. Many of these are listed on our website. Select the LODGING/MEALS tab and then select LODGING. Also, check Airbnb. Last year we had five riders rent a house for the night.
Is there a time limit to complete the ride?
There is no time limit. We will stay until the last rider is off the course. Over the years, we generally have had the last rider finish by 5:00 PM. If you start at 7:00 AM, this gives you 10 hours to complete the ride.
Are there t-shirts or jerseys available for purchase?
There are t-shirts available for purchase during the registration process. There will be a small quantity of t-shirts available for purchase before and during the event. Jerseys are available to pre-order from our website.
Is the course really as flat as advertised?
Yes. The total elevation gain over the entire ride is 591 feet, according to MapMyRide. This is less than a .01 percent gradient over the 100 miles. The 3F Century was named the best event for first-time century riders by CycleCA magazine. The steepest inclines are when transitioning from valley farmland to the top of the levee, which is a twenty-foot climb over 300 feet.
What if I have a flat, need mechanical assistance, or a ride back to the start?
You can call 530-617-2317, and someone will come to help you. We recommend you put the number in your phone in case you need it during the ride. If you are able, please tell us the course you are riding and how far you have ridden. It will help us locate you more quickly.
How is the course marked?
The course is marked with adhesive paper arrows. Follow the specific colored arrow that corresponds to your route. Be sure to look for the arrows. Below is a picture of a sample 3F road arrow and sign. The arrows are placed approximately 300′, 200′, and 100′ before a turn.
Yes, it is true that we use two different colors, yet we have three courses. The important thing to remember is that at Mile 7, where the road “T” s with Pass Rd. that the Century riders turn RIGHT, and the Metric Century and 39-mile riders turn LEFT. The century riders take a 40-mile loop to the south and join the course 1 mile from where they turned right at Pass Rd. From that point on, the Metric Century and Century courses are identical, so we can use one color for both.
Will there be a post-ride meal?
Yes, the Colusa Lions Club will cook a post-ride meal. You can choose pulled pork with veggies and potato salad or a no-meat lasagna.